Wednesday, March 31, 2010

this is just to say

so i am officially 30 today and, in a continuation of the efforts i have been making all year to change the way i do things and become rutless, i am attempting to work on my stick-to-it-tiveness. i have chosen this forum to do it. i may not be able to blog everyday, let's face it i don't have that interesting a life, but i want to try to focus on my follow-through and to that end finish something. at the risk of seeming to walk in the bloggity bogged footsteps of the others before me, i will not make this blog about anything for 365 days. except i guess it'll have to be about something. so i am going to share stories and crafts and cakes baked and the like. i like to stay creative and generally crafty so maybe i'll throw something like that up here too. and i have made an effort to keep some pretty great lists. there are movies and music and blogs from some of the sassiest minds i've met yet. so i hope i don't flake on yet another long term project and on my golden birthday next year i'll be blogging about something other than needing to learn how to finish, like how i just won a million dollars or a literary prize, or gasp, a free burrito from chipotle. i think big people!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday to you! i am excited for your entrance into your thirtysomethings. as a girl who was very much looking forward to 30 and is just finishing up that year, i am confident that you will find increased happiness and fulfillment in days and years ahead! it takes time and experience to know ourselves, and i think most of us are just waking up to those details about now. i'm also planning a crafty summer, and i'd like to add design*sponge and craftzine to your inspiration list and would love to talk projects in coming months. i'm looking forward to reading your lists and coveting your cakes in the coming year!
