Monday, April 5, 2010

the abcs of 30...antlers, booze, and cupcakes (and couch)


i think i am possibly still hungover from saturdays festivities. i spent most of yesterday (easter no less) on my couch barfing into a trashcan and thinking never again and wow does 30 lessen your potential to metabolize alcohol. but let's rewind to friday where i was on same said couch. i was recovering from the latest installment of thursday night drinking club, which, since friday was good, we had off. a bunch of us stayed pretty late and veronica's delicious daquiri's produced the mild headache that jessica had promised they would.

friday morning jess and i headed to costco earlier than needed (thanks rodney!) and after running around doing errands i was pooped. but i managed to rally enough to go have lunch with steph, who sadly did not have off. we decided that it mattered less where we ate and more that it was outside. we decided the smokehouse on division looked like a good idea and my pulled pork sandwich (minus sandwich) did not dissappoint. washed down with a nice cold cider, that i tried to pretend was beer, and all was right with the world. thanks again steph for a lovely lunch that i hope happens again before you leave. in 1 month (wtf!) the nice weather also seemed to add to my lethargy and by 3 i was ready for a nap, by 4 i was on the couch and by the time veronica's text came in at 7:30 telling me to join her to watch her brother spin at a magazine opening party i was sadly in my pajamas and watching some mindless drivel that would help my brain go on autopilot and then switch to hibernate with little to no input from me.

saturday was a blur of dusting, cleaning, shining, hammering and general early spring cleaning. i also took advantage of the rain as an excuse to find a nest on my couch and watch 'the private lives of pippa lee'

sidebar review: great movie, very gently paced and on par with the book which was also written by the director, who also adapted the screenplay. rebecca miller, a terrific filmmaker and playwright, married to the amazing daniel day-lewis, knows how to capture the internal machinations of a woman's life. it felt particularly poignant as it is about a woman confronting her husband's mortality by revisiting her many 'lives'. i too have been spending a fair amount of time doing this lately. seeing as i was getting depressed by it however, i have stopped all thoughts that may lead to deeper thinking. the time to only look surface deep is now. i don't know when this phase will end. hopefully it will help reduce the furrowed brow thinking wrinkle i have developed over the years. in conclusion, read the book, see the movie. unless you don't like deep thoughts. in that case i hear hot tub time machine is pretty awesome.

saturday night was a blast and hopefully there will be some pictures to accompany this blog post at some point in the near future. thanks to everyone who came out to tuman's and big shout out to jessica and rodney who stomached several birthday celebrations and still pulled out an amazing cupcake and champagne party that reminded me how truly lucky i am to have found a place that feels so much like home after only two years (although i guess you two were technically imported from my previous home in ny). also, thanks for the gifts, the antler candle holders (devin!), the deer plaque pin (amanda!) and the bubble up drinking glasses (nichole!) and of course the antler necklace mentioned in the post previous (steph!). oh and the bourbon i am holding off on opening for fear i will drink it all in one night (marc and matt!) my liver thanks you too.

too many drinks and too much dancing and there i was on that couch again (perhaps the c in abcs should stand for couch) wishing i could just have a sip of water, but my stomach had other plans. i was trying to suck it up to make it to jessica and rodney's for easter and the platter of dry rub ribs i had been looking forward to for a week, but i was too late and they were all eaten by the time i had rallied. but the meal was spectacular!!!!!!!!! jessica outdid herself again and in the midst of feeling tired, overwhelmed and i am sure, sick of celebrations, she once again created a masterpiece that needed to be photographed and written into the food history books. someone give this girl a restaurant! or at least a cookbook deal.

easter ended as all holidays should, with a nice piece of cake some lovely conversation and rodney's overactive intestinal tract delivering one pungent punch after another. i walked home in a light rain shower and, after cleaning up a little, i plopped right back down to be with my old friend, the couch. we settled in together for the 1,000th viewing of pride & prejudice (kiera knightley version) and i was lulled to sleep by dreams of moors and vexed lovers, petticoats and darcy.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed your birthday, though I'm sorry to hear you were sick on Sunday morning. Seriously, when did you get that drunk? Where was I?
