Wednesday, April 7, 2010

blah bloggedy blog blah

open kitchen window with irises

i don't have much to say today. feeling a little blah bloggedy blog blah. so i thought i would post this lovely photo and try to think of yesterday, when the rain came and went and i felt less, you guessed it, blah.
this seems to be a general feeling today and, really, this whole week. post birthday/easter blues? or overestimated boy blues? or wishing i could change major parts of my life blues? i think it is a smidge of all three. to all my girls in the struggle. keep on. stay strong. and wait for no one.


  1. :)

    I own House of Leaves, and have been wondering for years if I will ever actually read it.

  2. Sorry to read that you're in blogger blues land... but if it's any consolation, I like this window picture.

  3. "overestimated boy blues." you're a genius.
